Kansas Girls

Girls from Kansas don't mess with weird weather.  We can't help but check the skies for swirling clouds, and when the tornado siren sounds, we are the 1st ones in the basement. Because in Kansas, when there's even a hint of a tornado, there will probably be one, and it will probably come right through your town.  In Colorado, tornados are much less common and apparently have reeked way less havoc than the Kansas twisters I grew up with. (I know this, because my husband Googled it to assuage my fears of renting a house without a basement for a year and a half).

Anyway, the first time we met up to do this photo session, the weather decided to get crazy.  Right as we pulled into the park, the thunder began to rumble and lightening bolts started striking all around us.  The sky turned yellow and the wind picked up and began to howl, soooooo we rescheduled.  

The lucky part for me is I got to hang out with these fantastic people and their sweet boys twice!