They say that boys are not for the faint of heart, and as a Mom of 2, with the faintest of all hearts I can confirm that that is 100% true. They climb, they jump, the fall, they wrestle, just like everyone said they would. They get scraped up on the reg. Just this week, my little one went to school with a solid black eye he received in the car when a rouge toy was somehow thrown in his direction. (I have yet to confirm exactly how this occurred and who started it, but it hurts directly in my gut when I look at the wound it left behind).
But in these shoots I try my best to let boys just play. To run, and hide and jump. To throw rocks and sticks into the stream and see how far and how quickly they get carried away.
My goal is to capture them exactly as they are, and exactly as they most want to be even if its scares the crap out of me.