On Showing Up

For months now, I have been planning to start doing “Blog Thursday” One day of the week, every week, where I commit to sharing photos from one of my sessions. And every week Thursday rolls around and I don’t quite have the right words or can’t choose the right photos to say exactly what I wanna say, so I just say nothing instead. The plight of the perfectionist.

But today is the day!! My first Blog Thursday! Yes, it’s Saturday and yes next week’s “Blog Thursday” will probably be the following Thursday, but I’m showing up anyway because these stories, and the people I get to meet because of this job are just so incredible and I don’t want them to get lost on my hard drive.

So anyway, here goes. Here’s to successfully being unsuccessful at committing to this, and going on to do it anyway. (No joke my phone died the first time I typed this up and I had to start from scratch. The universe is literally testing me as I type).

What’s funny is I could have learned this showing up lesson from these two had I been paying close enough attention. They told me they weren’t photogenic. They said that they might be uncomfortable in front of the camera but that they really wanted to capture this gorgeous baby belly while they had the chance.

They showed up anyway.

And boy did they show up. Not as supermodels or people who had to be perfect (Although just LOOK at Ana). They showed up by really looking at each other when they looked at each other. By truly dancing when I asked if they’d like to dance. They showed up by being fully alive and exactly as they are, despite the fact that I was holding a camera and clicking away. Honestly, I can’t think of a truer, more trusting way to live life than that.