We've been back from our vacation to Kauai for a week now. Our tans have begun to fade, and we have slowly returned back to our old routines. Scratch that, our old routines found us within hours of landing in Colorado. Immediately upon our return, the texts and emails came rolling in. A reminder about all the things that were needed to be brought to my 6 year old's 1st day of summer camp, work emails, a text about rescheduling plans that had already been next to impossible to make in the first place. All of those things that I so enjoyed escaping from; the commitments, the scheduling, the coordinating, immediately came flying back at me.
This family vacation was really a first. Our boys are finally old enough where we can let them run quite free, where nap time isn't a must, and where we can sit back a bit and really enjoy some quality time together. We felt free, unencumbered by plans and schedules and the need to remember things for school, or to pay bills.
And yet, 7 days later, it was gone.
Now I'm left searching for a way to fold the feeling of being on vacation into my everyday life. How to harness just a piece of this off the grid, off the clock living.
The no make-up, the au-natural beach hair, the flowy dresses that are so easy on the hips that they make me forget I even have hips. The fresh food, the sounds of roaring waves so noisy I often thought they were thunder, the skin a few shades darker even though I swear I thought I put sunscreen on. The children, actually enjoying each other's company, and frequently giving each other hugs, just because. The roosters that patrol the property each morning alerting everyone to the 6am sunrises that demand not to be missed. Sand......Everywhere. And the little curls that show up on boys' heads after a salty day at the beach.
I miss it so dearly, and I promise to slow down and look for these moments today and everyday, even if I'm late, again, for my next unwelcome commitment.