I have 2 little boys, who are 6 and 3, and can confirm that everything they say about having boys is true. The running, the jumping, the throwing, the falling, the wrestling. The physical exhaustion that is a constant in my daily life. Trying to catch children from jumping off the top of things at all times will drain anyone. And the bugs, oh the creepy crawly spiders and beetles and "Mom, check out this flying grasshopper"s. My kid has a Daddy long legs in his hand MOST of the time. Like, he's always holding a spider.
So this weekend we set out to find their favorite things. Rocks, sticks, mud, and BUGS. We set up a picnic right near where the mountains start to touch the city. We watched the sun go down as we explored the creek and peered into cavernous hollowed out tree trunks. We found walking sticks and skipped rocks. We brought the boys where they belong, and they brought us so much joy watching run and jump and skip and hop into the sunset.